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About Us
Experience, Capabilities, Skill-sets and Achievements

Mr. PK Bhardwaj

Domain Expert in
Grain Storage, Handling & Processing

INCEPCO Grainiks is blogging website of Mr PK Bhardwaj, who is a well known name in Grain Industry and a man to reckon with. With over 30 years of industrial experience, he is the man to be trusted for Grain Storage Design, Detail Engineering, Projects Management, Costing, Operation & Grain Management of Grain Silo Storage, Handling & Processing.

Achievements :

  1. Engineered India's two largest Grain Terminals having Capacity 2,00,000 MT.
  2. First to execute Grain Handling systems upto 1400 TPH in India
  3. First to successfully deploy online bulk weighing of 500 TPH with Auto Calibration feature
  4. Designed India's first Traffic Management system with passive RFID tags to service 75 trucks per hour within Grain Terminal. 
  5. Executed 2 Turnkey Rice Mills Projects having Capacity upto 75TPH
  6. Established Zincalume Steel Silos as better option in the Industry
  7. Suggested Hub & Spoke Model to FCI by implementing Food Grain movement in Food Grain Containers 

Speaking at 4th Meeting of

"The Indian Grain Storage Workshop Group" on

"Bulk Storage of Food Grains"

organised by

Indian Council of Agriculture Research.

Speaking for USAID's & GOI funded

Feed The Future India Triangular Training Program on

“Modern Storage Technologies in Agriculture”

at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana in collaboration with MANAGE, Hyderabad

Key Speaker at 

Food Show, Bihar 2018, Conference

supported by

Bihar State Rice Mill Association


​“Parveen Bhardwaj has indepth knowledge and insights in the grain handling technology and grain storage systems specially metal silos. His passion to work for the food processing industry and to offer cooperation provides him a unique advantage over other technocrats. His ability to handle complex business issues with great charm and cool mind usually makes him hugely successful in whatever he endeavours to achieve. His ability to network effectively across the continents has established him a great leader in the food processing industry. I wish Parveen a great success in future as well.”

Sanjay Sethi, Senior Vice President & Head - Africa Operations at Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd

“PK has a vast technical knowlegde of grains handling equipment and silos and practical technical solutions in the grain handling sector.I have had the occasion to discuss issues with him and his wealth of technical knowledge on grain handling and storage facilities has been impressive..”

Munir Thabit (ACIArb), CEO at Malindi Salt Works Ltd and Group Finance Officer at Mombasa Maize Millers ltds Ltd

Countries Associated with;




Sri Lanka







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INCEPCO Grainiks

Your Trust for Grain Storage, Handling & Processing

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